Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Magic Dongles and Paint

It seems so long since I last posted, however I'm still sat on a cardboard box with the keyboard on my lap! The move actually went very well and now we are tackling all the little things that need to be done once you move, as well as get ready for Christmas. Our main issue at the moment is that BT let us down and didn't arrive to connect our land-line despite me staying in all day, now they say they can't come until 5th Jan and then it takes another 3 weeks to get broadband connected - what a nightmare! So in the meantime we have bought a dongle which is a magic USB stick which plugs into the computer and allows you to access the Internet via the mobile phone network (although it is a bit slow and has limited capacity - so no pictures for the blog yet as it may explode). We have been busy decorating the back room which will be my craft room which was the only room in the house that we really couldn't live with (Lawrence Llewellyn - Bowen has a lot to answer for). I took some picture to share with you later and it's taken 3 coats of paint just to get rid of the initial colour, but I have bought some paint in my current favourite colour which is a kind of very light aqua / turquoise which will look fab!

So now the dongle is unencrypted and allows me to access my blog I'm hoping that it has enough power to upload this message!

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Move Day

Well move day is finally here - its really a sort of organised chaos but I'm sure we'll get through it! Posts will be a bit more erratic for a while as I'll need to go over to my brothers to get Internet access so please bear with us. I will be accessing my e-mails remotely and hopefully every day until we get re-connected but if you need to know any information about the workshops please give me a call.

Next post coming soon....

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Busy day number 2

Well Julefest went well and it was good to be together with other members of Craft Candy too. Running with Scissors got lots of interest in the workshops, especially the sewing ones, it's always great to get feedback from everyone out there. Santa also popped in and there was dancing around the Christmas Tree.

Back on the home front my craft stuff has rapidly been packed into boxes and I'm sat on a cardboard box writing this blog in a room with no curtains! I have a distinct feeling that tomorrow is going to be (another) busy day!

Friday, 4 December 2009

Busy Day and Good News

Had a busy old day today preparing for the Julefest craft fair tomorrow. Running With Scissors has just roped in it's first volunteer (my mum) to help out. I've just spent the last hour cutting up 100 A4 sheets into flyers to promote the up and coming workshops. However the best news of the day is that my new sewing machines are due to arrive in on Monday - hurrah, which is spurring me on to organise the sewing workshops detailed on the website. Guest tutors are also being investigated with the first off the block being Janet Bottomley - a fab patchwork and quilting tutor (more details on Janet's workshop soon). We're also planning to move house (very) soon and my craft stuff (and there's lots of it) is starting to get packed which is a bit disconcerting as I like to have everything around me for maximum inspiration. Looking forward to tomorrow, hopefully I'll see some of you there.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Looking for a new venue.....

Running With Scissors is looking for a new venue to either hire on a sessional basis or to rent. Lots of natural light is needed and plenty of plug sockets. Either parking or good bus routes are also important. We are open to suggestions so please drop us an e-mail at info@rwssheffield.co.uk if you know of anywhere which may be suitable - thanks


This Saturday Running with Scissors will be at Julefest, a Scandinavian themed contemporary craft event at Clifford School on Psalter Lane near Hunters Bar. I will be promoting the up and coming workshops and (if everthing goes to plan…) running a button making ‘Make and Take’ session.

Hope to see you all there.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

New Look Blog

Here's the new look blog with a sample picture to get started. This is Benny, one the Running with Scissors sock monsters, looking suitably startled at all the new fangled blog.